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IDS 驅動捆包  32 bits
IDS 驅動捆包  64 bits





提供各式軟體的綜合應用,包含與NI LabVIEW,與Cognex VisionPro,WebCam,Direct Flow等等多種範例下載

Multicast mode for GigE uEye cameras


This programming example demonstrates how to generally configure the multicast mode of IDS GigE uEye cameras and how to use the multicast feature as client.Besides initialization and memory management, these are the main uEye API functions which are used in this source code example: is_GetSensorInfo(), is_DeviceInfo(), and is_Multicast().





uEye .NET C# - Image sequences


This sample shows how to acquire images in DIB-mode and put them into a sequence of image buffers. The sequence consists out of 10 buffers. The sample shows how to allocate the buffers, set them as active and add them to a sequence.

Besides this the sample shows how to read out the list of sequence IDs, convert them to memory IDs and read out those buffers (5 of 10).


.NET C# - GPIO with master and slave cameras


This sample shows how to synchronize the image acquisition of two cameras by using the PWM (pulse width modulation) output of the master camera. Both cameras (master and slave) are running in hardware triggered mode (rising edge) and wait for a trigger signal on their GPIO 1 as trigger input. The trigger signal is generated by the PWM output on the GPIO 2 of the master camera.Thus, the image acquisition of both cameras is done simultaneously.

Imaging Development Systems 



uEye .NET C# - Text on bitmap image


This sample shows how to acquire images in DIB-mode and convert an image from a previously defined image memory into a bitmap, how to copy it into another bitmap and how to draw text and a bitmap into the image. This is done using the .NET System.Drawing.Graphics class.

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